The Xe Pian Protected Area covers a part of Attapeu and Champasak Provinces. The main access is by road No. 13 running from China to Cambodia. South of Pakse at Km. 48 route No. 6 crosses, running east along the northern boundary of the NBCA. The major wide life in this area includes Tiger, banteng, irrawaddy, dolphin, Asian elephant, gaur, sun bear, Asiatic black bear, yellow-checked crested gibbon. The Xe Pian-Dong Hua Sao NPA gibbon population is of major global conservation significance. Xe Pian has the highest number of birds recorded for any NPA. Seven of these species have not been recorded in any other protected area in Laos. Important species include the giant ibis, black ibis, sarus crane, white-winged duck and the white rumped, long billed and red headed vulture. The forest types include evergreen, mixed-evergreen and deciduous. Terrain is hilly and low with extensive areas of flat lands in the east and south at an altitude of 150 – 300 m. The Xe Kong plains in the east are dissected by three main rivers – the Xe Pian, Xe Khampho and near the northern and eastern perimeters.Xe Kong and contain numerous mainly seasonal wetlands. Drainage is largely south to Cambodia and north to the northern wetlands.

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