Tomor Rocky Channel was listed as the 15th National Heritage site in Laos receiving approval by Prime Minister\’s decree 174/PMO at the same time as Wat Phou in Champassak. The Tormor Rocky Channel archaeological site is located about 11 kilometers southeast from Wat Phou Champassak on the left bank of the Mekong River. The Tomor Rocky House, as is known by the locals, was originally built in the 9th century with bricks and carved stones during the 7th and 8th centuries. These were later destroyed with the gopura artwork now on display built with layered rocks in the 11th and 12th centuries.
Columns of sandstone rock stand along both sides of a walkway. Although in a ruined state, a large chamber with front and rear doors and windows on two sides can be observed on the site. According to inscriptions on the stones, the channel was an offering to Rudrani, the wife of King Sava. From the inscriptions, historians have concluded that the channel is a close relation to the Wat Phou in Champassak

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