Kayin state
Tourist information in Kayin State
Captital : HPA-ANPopulation : Over 1.4 millionArea : 11731 sq.miles
How to get there : By air, car
Places of interest1. Mt.Zwegabin (Symbol of peace)2. Saddan Cave and Bayint Nyi Cave3. Thandaung Hill Resort
1.6 million people call Kayin State's 11731 square miles home. The state, in the southeast of Myanmar on the Thai border.
Around one million of Kayin State's residents are ethnic Kayin.
Much of the north and east of the state are offlimits to foreigners, although the capital, Hpa-an, is an interesting destination. part bustling commercial center, part village, the town is good place to interact with the Mon, Bamar and Muslim townpeople.
Farther southeast is the Buddhist village of Thamanyat Kuang, home of U Winaya.
Payathonzu, which means Three Pagodas in Myanamar, has become a popular destination with tourist from Thailand, who come for daytrips and to shop for longyis, cheroots, and jade.