Mandalay division
Tourist information in Mandalay division
Mandalay Division falls in the Dry Zone of Central Mandalay bordering Bago Division on the south, Magway Division on the west, Sagaing Division on the north and Shan State on the east. Its area is 14,295 square miles and its capital is Mandalay City.
Area & population
Myanmars, Karens, Kayahs, Chins, Paos, Mons and Shans inhabit the 29 Townships and 1,796 Wards and Village-Tracts of the Division. The population is about 4,580,923.
The principal economy of the Division is agriculture, main crops grown being paddy, wheat, maize, groundnut, sesame, cotton, pulses, chili, onion, Myanmar tobacco, Virginia tobacco, Mahuya sunflower and toddy palm.
Mondaing Dam, Kyetmauktaung Dam, Pyaungpya Dam, Yenichaung Dam, Thitson Dam, and Yezin Dam are reliable sources of water for irrigated agriculture. There are also the Sedawgyi Reservoir and Chaungmagyi Embankment, with work in progress on Kinda Dam for completion by 1985-86.
Prominent industries are Mandalay Brewery and Distillery, Meiktila Textile Mill, Canning Factory, Myitnge Loco Workshop, Paleik Textile Mill and Pyinmana Sugar Mill.In handicrafts, the Weaving School and silk weaving in Amarapura, braziers, stone carving, wood carving and gold-leaf manufacturing industries are famous.
Nearby attractions
Mandalay has the Maha Myat Muni Pagoda which is a special tourist attraction. Mandalay was the capital city during the time of feudalism and the pagoda and temples of Bagan are the nation's cultural heritage.In the heart of Mandalay city, resides the Mandalay Royal Palace of the last monarch of Myanmar. The Royal Palace has been renovated.
The second International Airport in Myanmar has been opened in Mandalay which leads the country to become a better route for visiting.
Mandalay is also well-known for the silk weaving industry of Acheik or the Traditional Myanmar Longyis, that are still in fashion for today's Myanmar life style.
Visiting the U-Bein bridge which is made of teak pillars, crossing the Taung-ta-man Lake in Amarapura, will give an enchanting experience.