The U Bein Bridge is about three quarter of a mile, crossing the Taung tha man Inn (lake). It is the longest teak bridge in the world and is about two centuries old. Since the bridge was built across the Thaungthaman Lake, the cool breeze across the lake give refreshment to whom take leisure under the shade of the big trees grown around the lake and the bridge. This place is also a marvelous sunset viewpoint. This bridge became to be known as U Bein Bridge after the name of the donor, U Bein who was a clerk to the Mayor of Amarapura. It was constructed in 1849 from old planks and timber posts of dismantled houses in Sagaing and Inwa. It took nearly two years to finish, but since it was opened in 1851 it has constantly been in use by the people and in recent years by foreign visitors also. There are now 1086 posts and 482 spans. At 9 points, were what served as drawbridges which were built to allow the royal barges and war boats to go under the bridge and out to the Ayeyarwadi River in the old days.

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