MYANMAR LITERATURE The literature of Myanmar spans over a millennium. Burmese literature was historically influenced by Indian and Thai cultures, as seen in many works,…
THE BRITISH RULES Britain made all of Burma a province of India in 1886 with the capital at Rangoon. Traditional Myanmar society was drastically altered…
Payagyi Temple
This temple is situated in the centre of town and features a large plain shed supported by pillars decorated with glass mosaic. A large seated…
Kyaikhtee Saung Pagoda
It is the one of ear list hair relic pagoda in Mon State. Kyaikhtee Saung Pagoda is located on the Laterite Stone hillock. The hillock…
Kyaut Maung Nhama
The site Kyaut Maung Nhama is one of major attractions in Chaung Thar Beach area. You can take a walk (takes about 3 hours) or…
Akauktaung Mountain
The Akauktaung Mountain stands on the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy River to the north of Pyay in Bago Division. It takes 15 minutes by boat…
Mingun Home for the Aged
The Mingun Home was founded by Daw Oo Zun herself in senior year in 1915 with a view to looking after old destitute and in…
Kandawgyi Garden
The Kandawgyi Garden or Kandawgyi Nature Park is located on Natmauk Road and Kandawgyi Kanpat Road. The Kandawgyi lake placidly reflect the sky changing colour…
Maha Anthtookanthar Paya
This pagoda was not planned, but just came to be. The reason for this is that 3 marble Buddha figures made in Mandalay were being…
Shwesandaw Pagoda
King Anawrahta built Shwesandaw Pagoda after his conquest of Thaton in 1057. This graceful circular pagoda was constructed at the centre of his newly empowered…
The Gubyaukgyi Myinkaba Temple is situated just to the left of the road as you enter Myinkaba. This temple was built in 1113 by Kyanzittha’s…
MYANMAR FOODS The food in Myanmar has its own special identity. Although it draws on its’ neighbors, it is neither as hot as Thai, as…