Monywa Travel Package Tours
Thanboddhay Pagoda
Located about 20 kilometres from Monywa Town is the Thanboddhay Buddhist temple complex on 37 acres of land which is part of the Mohnyin Forest…
Bodhi Tahtaung and Po Khaung Taung
The Po Khaung Taung, a small range of hills in the Monywa area. There you will see more unusual sights not found in other parts…
Aung Sakkya Pagoda
Near the reclining Buddha image, also on Po Khaung Taung range is the Aung Sakkya Pagoda , 441.75 ft in height. This pagoda is a…
Pho Win Hill
The hills have probably been occupied since the dawn of human habitation in Myanmar; to the south – west lies the Pon Daung Pon Nya…
Shwe Ba Hill
The Shwe Ba Hill, just beyond Pho Win Hill, features unique pavilions cut from the surrounding sandstone and filled with plain Buddha images. Shweba Taung…
Shwe Gu Ni Pagoda
The Shwe Gu Ni Pagoda is about 20 miles east of Monywa. The Buddha image in the pagoda is offered (stick) by gold foils and…