The Bank of Thailand Museum is located in the Bang Khun Phrom Palace, one of the splendid historical sites in Bangkok with artistic beauty in architectural designs and decorative arts. The Palace has a long history tracking back to nearly one hundred years. It was originally a royal residence of H.R.H. Prince Baripatra Sukhumbhand, a son of H.M. King Chulalongkorn and H.M. Queen Sukhumala Marasri, and was a government office for a period of time until 1945, when it became the office premise of the Bank of Thailand and was renovated to house the Bank of Thailand Museum in 1992. The opening ceremony of the Museum was graciously presided over by H.M. the King and the Queen on January 9, 1993. The main objective of the Museum is to preserve Thai currency, one of our important cultural heritages, as well as to stimulate the research and study on the history and evolution of Thai currency. The exhibitions started from the prehistoric medium of exchange the ancient currency, used in different eras up until the present day. In addition, it also highlights the roles and responsibilities of the Bank of Thailand, the governors, as well as the history of Bang Khun Phrom Palace and H.R.H. Prince Baripatra Sukhumbhands life. The exhibitions compose of 14 rooms such as: Ancient Coins Room: The exhibition in this room dated back to the prehistoric era when medium of exchange such as shells or beads were used as money until the introduction of coins, including Funan coins, Dvaravati coins, Sri Vijaya coins, as well as Lanna and Lanchang money, which had been used before the Kingdom of Thailand was found. Pot Duang Room displays Pot Duang coins, circulated from Sukhothai period up to the reign of King Rama V of Rattanakosin period, as well as their methods of productions. Thai Coins Room displays Thai flat coins which were initiated by King Rama III up to the present day. Thai Banknotes Room displays the evolution of the Thai paper money from the first issuance of paper money called Mai in King Rama IV reign through the issuance of banknotes series circulated in the present day, including the commemorative banknotes issued on special occasions. Gold and Commemorative Coins Room displays commemorative gold coins, silver coins, nickel coins, gold bond, as well as gold bullions which are used as currency reserves. Bank of Thailand 60th Anniversary Room displays the history, the roles and responsibilities of the Bank of Thailand as well as the important events of the Bank, in chronology. Baripatra Memorial Room displays the life, works, activities, and the talents of H.R.H. Prince Baripatra Sukhumbhand.

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