Established in 1952 to preserve not only military aircraft, but also various equipments from the beginning of aviation, the Royal Thai Air Force Museum displays one of the world\’s finest collections of rare and antique military aircraft. This is the only place to see the one-of-a-kind Hawk 3 fighters, which once participated in the Corsair and the Franco-Indo Chinese war. The only remaining Japanese Tachigawa trainer can also be seen here. A Bomber Model II (Paribarta), the first aircraft designed and built solely by Thais, sits proudly next to international wonders like the Spitfire. Nierports, Breguets, Boeing P12-Es and carriers complete the exhibition, while modern jet fighters and royal helicopters add an exotic touch. The other interesting features include simulators, electronic aviation devices and a hypobaric (low-pressure) chamber used for testing the pilot\’s physical readiness. The museum souvenir shop is a treasure of air force mementoes such as model aircrafts, books, T-shirts, watches etc.

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