Tham Khao Wong at Ban Khao Wongkot, Kaeng Hang Maeo district, is part of the Khao Chamao-Khao Wong National Park. About 40 kilometres before reaching Chanthaburi town on Highway No.3 at Km. 286 (Ban Kong Din) is a left turn to the park, 11 kilometres further on. Or take a turn at Km. 288 (Talat Na Yai Arm) instead. From the cave proceed on foot to see the caves themselves. Advice could be obtained from park officials. Khao Wong is a group of limestone hills standing in circular cluster with cliffs and caves containing stalagmites and stalactites. There are passages connecting some of the chambers. The walking trails outside offer views of varied plantlife. For those intending to explore the caves, torches are advisable as there are no natural lights inside. The best time to go cave-exploring is between February and April, after which they tend to be flooded.

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