Laem Sing is about 30 kilometres from town and can be reached via Sukhumvit Road on the way to Trat with a right turn at Km. 347, a further distance of 16 kilometres to the beach. The beach itself is shaded with pine trees lining the entire shore and cooled by constant gentle breezes. There are food shops and boats for rent to visit two nearby isles, Ko Chula and Ko Nom Sao. The trip takes 30 minutes and one hour respectively.

Oasis Sea World
This site is located just before Laem Sing beach is the Oasis Sea World, which attracts visitors who delight in watching the exciting dolphin shows. Also on hand are butterfly farm and other animals. The dolphins are mainly those accidentally caught in fishermans nets in the Gulf of Thailand. Trained by Thai experts, they are now capable of showing off their high degree of ability.

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