The orchids in Chiang Mai are among the most successful and remarkable plants in the world. It is in the tropics that orchids are at their most diverse and spectacular. Thailand has about 860 orchid species, 473 of which can be found in and around Chiang Mai province.

A visit to one of the orchid farms in the Mae Sa valley near Chiang Mai city can be a wondrous experience. Unfortunately, in the wild, massive forest destruction and the over collecting of some species is endangering many orchids. The future of many of these beautiful plants could well depend on farms and private collectors.

The Mae Sa valley forms part of an 80 km loop road encircling the national parks of Doi Suthep and Doi Pui. The entrance to the Mae Sa valley is only 13 km north of Chiang Mai City. There are a number of orchid farms and nurseries in this area, the main nursery is simply known as Orchid Farm located on the Mae Rim to Samoeng Road. Other farms include the orchid farms of Sai Nam Phung, Mountain Orchid and Mae Ram Orchid & Butterfly Farm. Each provides opportunities for visitors admire these exotic year-round blooms. Certain orchid farms also have special butterfly enclosures where exotic species can be seen in their natural environment.

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