The long Scorpion-Tailed boats were served as cargo boats sailing between the northern region and Bangkok. Almost a century that they disappeared from the river when the northern railway-route arrived at Chiang Mai. Today they brought back to life to serve tourists cruising along the Ping River.

River Cruise Program
Transfer tourists to the Wat Sri Khong’s boat landing, Then tourists are given a brief about the historical background of the boat. The river cruise offers lively picturesque of several historical places along the riverbanks, such as: a white chedi that locals call Gew in front of the municipality, a girdered-footbridge sapan the river between the oldest trader community of Wat Gate and Warorot Market, The Chiang Mai’s oldest shopping center.
The Chang pier (where hundreds of elephants were used to haul logs from the river in the old days), site of the first city’s : First bridge, First Christian church, First post office, and many more attractions including lifestyles of the local people who lived along the both sides of the river. During the trip, the tourists can be experience the atmosphere of the past, learn the story of the banks of the river, hear some of the clever fishing techniques of local fishermen, and see pictures from a century ago until the present, all explained by staff who specialized in this field.
The trip takes between an half-hours to two hours. Delicious desserts shall be served for free during a short break and relax at the Scorpion-Tailed boat village set in tropical fruits garden by riverside.

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