Located about 190 km. from Kanchanaburi on Highway 323 (Thong Pha Phum-Sangkhla Buri), the national park is situated at Km. 40, about 30 km. to Amphoe Sangkhla Buri. With an area of 815 sq. km. covering Amphoe Thong Pha Phum and Amphoe Sangkhla Buri including forest, Khwae Noi River and Vajiralongkorn Dam (or Khao Laem Dam), it is a peaceful pleasant park with Huai Kateng Cheng flowing through it. Tourists can camp and start the journey there to learn about nature along the waterfall. Namtok Kateng Cheng This medium-sized waterfall has 23 levels, and each level has its own different unique form. The distance from the first level to the highest one is about 2 km.; therefore, it is suitable for visual studies of various kinds of forests; banana forest, bamboo forest, evergreen forest and mixed deciduous forest. Moreover, especially at the sixteenth level a large beautiful tree exists and another huge one requires at least 13 adults holding hands to encircle. To experience this waterfall, tourists have to go on foot from the national park office taking about 2-3 hours. After about 2 km., they will get to the first level of the waterfall. Climbing up to the higher levels, they will find a sight-seeing point at the top of the waterfall where they can see Khao Laem Dam at a bird’s eye view. Afterwards, you can choose to return by foot and take a jungle trek through the fertile virgin forest instead of the one they depart from. During the journey, they will pass fascinating fern forest, Rakam (zalacca) forest, lichi and Mafai forest. Furthermore, it is pleasant to hear the echoing sound of water falling over the rocks all the time. However, the rainy season is not a good time to visit this waterfall. Tourists should ask for official guides of the park office. Accommodation service and camping is available.

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