Situated in Bacho District, the mosque is usually dubbed the 200-year mosque or 300-year mosque by the locals. It is believed that Haji Saihu, a religious teacher ordered a builder named Sae-ma to build the mosque in 1769. Instead of using nails and screws, the whole mosque was traditionally built using old building tools such as Malarbar ironwood (a local timber known as Mai Takien) and wooden bolts and pins. The 26 wooden poles are 10×10 inches, the floor is two inches thick and window shutters are of solid wood boards. The mosque itself consists of two adjacent buildings built in a mixture of local Thai, Chinese, and Malay architectural styles. The most prominent feature is the buildings three-tiered roof where the Imam prays. The top tier features a dome constructed in the Chinese pavilion style. In the past, it functioned as the minaret or tower where people were called from at prayer times. Visitors can see the building from the surrounding area, however, those wishing to see the interior are are required to receive permission from the village Imam. Next to the mosque is a Muslim graveyard. Rocks decorating the grave of deceased males will be round, while those for females would be half buried, with only half of the rock visible above ground. The mosque is located in Ban Talo Mano, Tambon Subo Sawo, 25 kilometers from Narathiwat town.

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