This monastery is at Ban Pa Rai, Tambon Tung Pala, close to the railway (Hat Yai – Sungai Kolok route) between Na Pradu and Pa Rai Stations. It is located about 31 kilometres from Pattani town. By car, visitors can use highway no.42 (Pattani – Khok Pho), pass Na Ket Junction, then use highway no.409 (Pattani-Yala), pass Na Pradu Municipality and Wat Chang Hai Training Centre and turn to Wat Chang Hai for another 700 metres. This old monastery was built for more than 300 years, with the sculpture of Luang Pu Tuad, once an abbot of the temple. Also, the architecture of stupa, chedi, temple, and bell tower are magnificently beautiful. Luang Pu Thuat, Wat Chang Hai, being respected by people all over the country, Luang Pu Thuat was an educational monk It was told that he was able to turn sea water into fresh water. Died in Malaysia, his body was brought back to Wat Chang Hai. The annual festival to pay respect to his bone and ashes is in April. At Wat Chang Hai, visitors can pay respect during 8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. Wat Chang Hai Royal Folk Arts and Crafts Centre The centre displays and sells many southern handicrafts such as batik, imitated Kolae boat, handicrafts, mats, and ceramics.

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