This monastery was originally a Khmer (Cambodian / Kampuchean) place of worship constructed in accordance with Bhramanism. Later on when the influence of Buddhism came into this region such a Bhraman place of worship was transformed to be a religious place of Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism respectively. Originally, there were five prangs (Khmer style pagoda) made of sandstone in the original place of worship. There are now only four prangs. It is presumed that each of the prangs was constructed to enshrine an idol such as Indar God, Narai God, Bhrama God and Uma Goddess due to the finding of an Uma Goddess statue in one ruined prang in the year 1956. After being transformed to be a monastery by construction of the main shrine hall, the outlook of the wat is not much changed due to the existing sandstone walls surrounding the wat.

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