Thale Ban National Park is at Ban Wang Prachan, Tambon Wang Prachan. The National Park is located 40 kms. from town and occupies an area of 195,200 square kilometers. The Park covers the National Reserve Forest of Ku Pang Pu To and Hua Ka Ming, including Khuan Bo Nam Pu Yu in Tambon Pu Yu, Amphoe Mueang. It was declared a national park on October 27, 1980. The word Thale Ban derives from Loet Ru Ban in the Malay language, meaning a collapsed sea or a sea that was born out of a land collapse. Thale Ban National Park originated from a land depression between Khao Chin and Khao Mot Daeng. There is a large swamp, which covers an area of 101,360 square kilometers. Most of the area is mountainous and teeming with various kinds of plants and animals, such as water birds, tapir, and Khiat Wak, or Water Dog. The amphibious Khiat Wak resembles a frog or toad, but has a tail and yelps like a dog. Plenty of these creatures can be seen around the swamp in the rainy season. The Khiat Wak is an indigenous animal to Thale Ban. Bird-watchers should not miss a chance to see the different variety of birds here, including red back myna, woodpecker, bulbul, and swallow. Lodges and tents are available in the National Park.

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