This temple was the seat of Somdet Pha Kho or Luang Pho Thuat Yiap Nam Tha-le Chuet, the most revered monk in the south. It is said that one day, a pirate ship sailed along the coast and saw Somdet Pha Kho who seemed different from other people walking in the area. The pirates wanted identify the difference so they docked and kidnapped him. However, the ship did not sail very far before it stopped for no apparent reason and had to anchor there for several days until they ran out of freshwater. Somdet Pha Kho took pity on them so he put his left foot in the sea, making it sparkle and turn into freshwater. The pirates became faithful, asked for his pardon, and took him ashore. From then on the people started to pay homage to the monk. The temple is located at Mu 6, Tambon Chumphon, on Khao Phatthasing, about 48 kilometers from Songkhla, on the Songkhla-Sathing Phra Highway.

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