Ban Loe Tong Ku
Lae Tong Ku is a village where residents still wear traditional clothes and continue to live a simple life. The Karen living in this village differs from other Karens as they worship a Hermit. They have their own rites which are chanted by the head of Lae tong Ku village. They also worship an image of the Lord Buddha crafted out of a sacred 400-year old tusk. To enter the village, permission from the 347th Border Patrol Police must be obtained. Visitors are not recommended to travel on their own.

Ban Pa La Tha
An ancient Karen village where villagers still dress in their original costumes, Pa La Tha is a place for visitors who appreciate Karens’ traditional way of life. The village is located along the rafting route to Thi Lo su, Thi Lo Cho and Thi Lo Re. It usually is the stopover spot for visitors who want to stay overnight before rafting to the waterfalls and for those who love the challenge of trekking and elephant riding.

Ban Thi Po Chi
This is another Karen village situated in the middle of a scenic forest. The houses in Thi Po Chi are made of natural materials such as logs and leaves within the serene natural environment.

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