The Hai Chau Communal House is located in Phan Chu Trinh Street, Hai Chau 1 Ward, Hai Chau District. Hai Chau Communal House was recognized as a national historic relic by Ministry of Culture and Information on the 12th July 2001.

In front of it there is a big lake with a rock work and a 100-year-old Bodhi tree. On the three-door temple gate there are Chinese words “Hai Chau Chanh Xa“ (Hai Chau region). In the region there are Hai Chau Temple, an ancestor worshipping house, two temples of godfather in the center. The temple on the left side is of Nguyen Van clan, and one on the right is Kinh An Tu which has 42 ancestral tablets worshipping 42 clans of Tinh Gia District, Thanh Hoa Province. They all followed King Le Thanh Tong to go to the South in the year of Tan Mao (1471). Then the king established Han Giang hamlet (previously Quang Nam, currently Danang) and they gathered in Hai Chau Village, laid foundation and contributed to build Danang city. In Hai Chau Communal House’s steeple, there is a bronze bell and some Chinese words on it. A temporarily translation is “In the 5th year of Minh Mang’s reign (1842), the pagoda was restored. In 1825, the king bestowed to call the pagoda Phuoc Hai by his royal decree. In the 13th year of Minh Mang’s reign (1832), the Hai Chau Village built the bell on a good day”.

According to history researchers, Hai Chau Communal House was Phuoc Hai pagoda where Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu on his Quang Nam oriented journey paid a visit and stayed for relaxation in the year of Ky Hoi (1719). Local people set up an altar worshipping him at the pagoda

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