The D�raysap Waterfall is located in Nam Da Commune, Krong No District, 30km from Buon Ma Thuot City. D�raysap is the name in the E De language which means the Misty Waterfall. This name is derived from a legend of love story between a boy and a girl who lived in this area. Everyday, H’Mi – name of the girl – used to go to the milpa with her lover. One day, while resting on a flat stone, they saw a monster, whose head was as big as a mountain, eyes like bronze urns. Its body was glittery with silvery scales. Suddenly, the monster dived down from the sky and his trunk plunged into the ground, stirring up a colossal column of water. The monster spread out its large wings, flew around several times, making a fierce rain then flied away. In terrible shock, the girl disappeared into the mist. The boy was transformed into a big stump, whose roots stuck into the rock. This place was then called the Dray Sap, or Misty Waterfall. The rains impetuously rumble down and all of a sudden stop. The sunshine filtered through foliages, making the waterfall look more miraculous. This stream looks like a mixture of water and clouds. Tourists will feel at ease here.

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