The name of Kontum or Kon Tum is the capital city Kon Tum Province in Vietnam. It is located inland in central Vietnam, near the borders with Laos and Cambodia. During the American and Vietnam war , there were battle in Ben Het, Dakto, Tan Canh, Polei Kleng, Chalie hill, Rock Pile. The North Vietnamese Army began their initial attacks by attempting to overrun ARVN Fire Support Bases and Tan Canh during March and April. Hopelessly outnumbered and ougunned, South Vietnamese soldiers were forced to abandon their positions of Ben Het, Dakto, Tan Canh, Polei Kleng, Chalie hill, Rock Pile, leaving behind the 105mm howitzers. This left the defence of Kontum to the South Vietnamese 22nd Division. With their positions consolidated around Kontum, two North Vietnamese divisions, well-supported by armour and artillery, launched the attack with a heavy barrage of artillery and rocket fire. During the early encounters, M-41 tanks of the South Vietnamese Army proved ineffective against Soviet-made T-54, forcing South Vietnamese tank crews to abandoned their equipment. However, by March 30, the tide of battle seem to have turned in South Vietnam’s favour. South Vietnamese troops were regaining their positions and by June sweeping operations were conducted to clear out the remaining pockets of enemy resistance.

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