On visiting Cam Ly Waterfall, tourists may call at the minorities’ church nearby in order to have a closer look at the spiritual life of the local aboriginal community.

Cam Ly Church is an original architecture; a variation of minorities’ bungalow with pointed roof covered with 20,000 flat tiles. It was constructed under instructions of builder Nguy?n Thành H? and Father Botany, a French missionary who had been living with minorities for a long time. Work on it was begun in 1960 and completed in 1968.

Tourists must be fascinated to look at so many figures of animals drawn in the church. Each animal in fact may symbolize a characteristic: the tiger for strength, the deer for clear innocence, the eagle for a preference of loftiness, the buffalo for friendship and as a sacrifice to Yang (the God). These illustrations and decorative figures based on local rectangle model have been an authentically successful combination between minorities’ simple thoughts and religious philosophy into something not only deeply humanist but also closely familiar that make it easy to get in close contact with the Infinite Being.

It’s true that Cam Ly Chruch has skillfully expressed the ‘culture assimilation’, which members of the people of God are anxiously looking for .


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