The Long Tien Pagoda is situated at the foot of Bai Tho Mountain, built in 1941 to worship Buddha and generals of Tran Dynasty who had marits of the country. The pagoda has unique architectural style. The tam quan (three-entrance gate) includes 3 doors: Huu, Vu and Dai. Atop of the three-entrance gate stands a statue of A Di Da, bellow it is a bell-tower. Outside of the three-entrance gate stands statue of Bo De Dat Ma, the Patriarch of Chinese and Vietnamese Zen. In bai duong and the main altar of the pagoda stand worshipping statues.

The festival involves palanquin procession which starts from Long Tien Pagoda, then Duc Ong Temple to An Duong Vuong Temple and return. The traditional folk games in the festival include Chinese chess, wrestling, chau van singing, cheo performance.

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