The Paint Clergyman on 30th Dec 2011 authorised the developing strategy for Warfare tourism which states overall and particular targets, solutions and challengeDevelopment strategy for Viet Nam tourism to 2020, vision 2030 approved programs for the aspect to 2020, vision 2030.

The coverall place to 2020 is to produce business to be a key scheme manufacture with spiky professionalism, contemporary and fair synchronously-developed traveller stock; gear level, contending and heterogenous tourer products imprinted with incomparable tralatitious cultural characteristics.

Specifically, by 2015, the sector aims to receive 7-7.5 million international arrivals and 36-37 domestic tourists, with total revenue of USD 10-11 billions accounting for 5.5-6% GDP; develop the tourist accommodation system to 390,000 rooms of which 30-35% ranks 3-5 stars; create 2.2 million jobs including 620,000 direct labors in the sector.

By 2020, Vietnam tourism also set the targets to receive 10-10.5 million international arrivals and 47-48 million domestic tourists, with total revenue of USD 18-19 billions accounting for 6.5-7% GDP; 580,000 rooms including 35-40% of 3-5 stars; create 3 million jobs including 870,000 direct labors. By 2030, total tourism revenue is expected to double that of 2020.

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