The National Race Village is located near Thanlyin Bridge, Thaketa Township, Yangon. National races village was constructed by Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs is situated in Tharketa Township, on the left of Yangon-Thanlyin Bridge.
If you visit the village, you will not only enjoy fresh breeze blowing across Bago River but also get the sense of Union Spirit from the village of our national brethern, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan. You can see buildings with significant symbols denoting various national races residing in the country.

Firstly, you will see a sampling of traditional house of Kachin national. Kachin people reside mostly at the northern tip of Myanmar. If you observe the Kachin traditional house, it is found to be constructed like that of one of the elders of Kachin people. Construction materials are wood, bamboo and thatch. The left side of the house is used like the back of any kinds of houses, with kitchen, etc. Wooden mortar and pestle, firewood and household goods are kept at the rear of the house. Traditional utensils are depicted on the pillars of the house in the form of paintings. At the back of the house, there is a ground where the traditional Manaw can be held. If the house has Manaw pillar as in the form of a totem pole, the owner of the house is the elder who can hold Manaw Festival which is the traditional Kachin Festival.
Moekyoe Nat room or compartment for spirits is found only in the house of national race elders. Moreover, living room, shrine for Nat, front room, kitchen and room for virgins are seen separately.

The Kayah people reside in the east of Myanmar. Now, you can see the traditional Kayah house as it is in Kayah State. The house is on stilts and cattle and pigs are bred under it. There is no window in their original houses because of the cold most of the time in Kayah State. To resist the severe weather, roofing goes past the floor and nearly touches the ground.
The Kayah people produce cotton textiles by handloom handed down by their ancestors. Processing of materials is shown step-by-step. Cross-bow, arrows and fish trap are also shown. There are two fireplaces-one for the host and one for the guest to warm them when cold and also to cook. They usually have a meal in a big circular bamboo/lacquer ware tray with legs. Kayah people used to drink intoxicating brew made by them. So, you can see receptacles for intoxicating drinks and mugs usually made of bamboo. Moreover, musical instruments such as the Phasi or bronze frog drum and buffalo horn used as clarion are also shown. Kayah national women wear clothes usually woven on a back strap loom by her.

Entering in Kayin traditional house, you will see bronze frog drum and buffalo horn first. The Kayin people mostly live in the south east of Myanmar. Bronze frog drum is a symbol of Kayin national races and buffalo horn is a musical instrument played in their leisure time.There are four rooms in the Kayin traditional house.Fruits, betel nuts and paddy are put out to dry on the open extension of the floor. Parents and brothers sleep in the front room. You can go to the kitchen through virgin’s room. Clothing woven on a Kayin traditional back strap loom is also seen there. Therefore, if you view a traditional house, you can get a glimpse of ideas and customs of construction, living standard, culture, arts and crafts and also lifestyles of each national. From the National Races Village, we can extensively learn about customs and traditions of Myanmar national races who brethren cherish their culture and customs, in one place.

Among the national races, we would like to give a feature on Chin traditional house. Chin national races are residing in western Myanmar. You can see blacksmith’s forge at the entrance of the house. From here you will get to living room which has no partition or a window. In front of the living room, there is a private room for bachelors. You can get there by climbing a wooden ladder. In the kitchen you can see 3 shelf of rock placed. On the lowest shelf, fish and meat are dried. Chin people used to place brass pot, water pot, rice- wine pot, cotton spinned machine, cradle and musical instruments in the living room. Gong is the most exalted thing of Chin people. Back strap loom weaves for their traditional clothes and blankets. You can also see chin traditional dance which is very enjoyable.

The Mon people have their traditional houses. The house is built sticks. Living room is a step lower than the main part of the house. Crocodile shaped three stringed musical instruments is also interesting. In the living room, they also hang their traditional clothes. The Significant item of Mon traditional house is a hole for talking love affairs while the landlord lady round the wood with her beloved man at night time every house as the well framed wood left right. You will find Mon traditional dance which is very interesting.

The Rakhine people live in western part of Myanmar. The house is 9 feet high and has many rooms. Living room is at the very first entrance of the house. On the left of living room, there is a shrine room, then parent’s room and unmarried sons and daughter’s room. Passing them, you will get to kitchen and dining room.In the courtyard, there is a well and a special bathroom. You can see the beauty of Rakhine people and the traditional dance. You can see the beauty of Rakhine people and the traditional dance. If you visit a traditional house of national races, you can observe their customs and the way the houses built in accord with the tradition decorated with handicrafts and you will see the dress style too.

This is a Shan traditional house. Shan people live in eastern part of Myanmar. At the base of the ladder, there is a water pot for foot washing. There are two kinds of living room. The inner one is for invited guests and the outer one for unexpected guests. At a lower step of the outer. Living room, there is a balcony where enjoyable Shan traditional dances take place. In the inner living room, you can see the shrine shelf and traditional utensils. The kitchen is at a lower step of the dining room.

There are many rooms composed in Bamar traditional house. Firstly, you will get to the living room at the entrance of the house. There, Bamar traditional choice of food and drink betel box, pickled tea leaves, cheroot cigar and green tea pot are always served. Traditional musical instruments harp, xylophone, etc are in the living room.
The kitchen is in separate part of the house. Household utensils are placed in the kitchen. Loom is under the house where the traditional cloths are weaved. There are well, granary and bullock cart in the courtyard.
When you get to a traditional house, you can observe the customs ways of living, handicrafts and style of dress.

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