Because of its natural wonder, Koh Hin Ngam, part of Adang archipelago, has attracted and inspired visitors from faraway lands to witness the unspoiled beauty of the island. Koh Hin Ngam or Koh Pulo possesses beautiful stones polished and shaped by the everlasting waves hitting the shores year after year. The smooth and shiny surfaced stones of various sizes , shapes , and colors are an amazement to the sight of the beholders. On this island one can find these stones in black, blue, brown, red, mixed colors or stripes in round, oval, and other shapes. The beaches on the island can be best admired when the sun shines and the waves splash on the stones. The shiny glittering surfaces of the stones reflect the glaring sunshine while the blue waves splash the beaches providing ecstasies for those who witness the event. Of particular joy is the sunset when the last orange rays of the sun touch the pure white foams of the waves giggling on the stones. This memorable scene defies description. To reach Koh Hin Ngam , visitors make a stop at Adang or Lipe islands first rather than proceeding directly to and staying overnight at Koh Hin Ngam as no accommodation is available on the island.

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