An ideal little island barely a kilometre from Ko Maak, Ko Kham is a perfect spot to really get away from it all. The crystal and clear waters and abundant coral reefs make the island popular with the snorkling crowd and many boat outings from Ko Chang stop here for an hour or two to have a look into the not-so-deep. There are series of black volvanic rocks jut out of the snow-white sand on the island’s eastern beach, making for quite a scenic backdrop on a sunny day. There is only one resort on the island and it’s wise to book ahead or you might be stranded on the beach until the next day. The major pastimes on Ko Kham predicably involve getting wet and the Ko Kham Resort rents out kayaks and snorkling equipment.The resort also has a good selection of books and games to save guests from being bored to tears in the evenings.

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