Pretty and primitive, Ko Wai sits about 6kms south of the bottom tip of Ko Chang. White sandy beaches, few people and abundant sealife make the island a favorite hideaway for some travellers fleeing the whinning motorbikes and all-night beats of the larger island. There are only four bungalow operations, all on the north side of Ko Wai and there’s great views over nearby islands from this side. It’s a good idea to decide where you want to stay before your boat leaves so that the captain can drop you off at the nearest pier. Failing that, all of the bungalows can be accessed on foot via a rough parth that runs along the northern coastline. Bungalow operations run on power generators, and only turn the power on in the huts from 18:00 to 23:00 nightly. Some of the bungalows rent out gas lamps if you want to stay up later. This island is very small, no 7-elevens here, so stock up on the essentials before you leave. You should take a torch if you want to leave your hut after dark as the paths between bungalows are quite rocky. Ko Wai also has some of the biggest and nastiest mosquitoes on the islands, so make sure you pack some strong repellent or your bee-keeping costume.

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