is an isle near the land of Baan Laem Aun. Therefore, transportation to the isle is very convenient and safe in every season. Ko Pui is very convenient and safe in every seson. Ko Pui is very cool and shady as it is plenty of coconut trees and herb orchard. Situated on the isle is the well the clay of which once was used to make white chalk, used by former Thai people as an after bath. The well was once visited by King Rama V during his royal trip to Trat. Beaches on Ko Pui are the mixture of slush and sand. Thus, the area is not appropriate for swimming but for serene rest. A boat trip for hire to Ko Pui is available at Laem Ngob and Laem Aun, 5 minutes from Laem Ngob-Baan San Tung Intersection along 3156 Highway.

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