Located 7 kilometers northeast of the city center, Valley of Love is one of the most dreaming and poetic, lyrical landscapes in DaLat. So far, tourists may take Phu ?ong Thien V??ng Street, from five-exit University Round-about to get there, but later when the Lâm Viên by pass is completed, they will be able to take a more convenient direct route from Xuân H??ng Lake to Valley of Love.
Initially, French people called this place Valley d’Amour; when Bao Dai became Head of State., it was renamed Peace Valley. In 1953, when the council chairman, Mr. Nguyen Vy suggested changing geogragphical French names into Vietnamese ones so as to show the national independence, ‘Valley of Love’ became more and more familiar and impressed in many people’s minds and hearts.
Valley of Love is not only beautiful and attractive with its deep valleys and pone hills but else more fascinating when a dam was built across the valley in 1972, forming Da Thien Lake changing the outlook and increasing the seduction of the landscape here.
Tourists may have a promenade along paths or climb about a hundred steps up, through a bright colorful flower gate onto the top of Scenery Admiring Hill. Up here, Valley of Love would appear in their sight to be a beautiful animated picture with scattering sailling boats on the take. Red soil paths meander to lead them up atop hills or Langbian Mountain half-seen through clouds. Tourists may get over a small bridge to discover Paradise Hill, an ideal place surrounded by water. White terraces reflecting in the lake mirror would provide convenient locations for fishing or for exchanging confidences. In the middle of a windy nature, tourists seem to get lost into some fairy world where eternal blue color and mysterious refracting light result in the most spacious illusion.
Coming to Valley of Love, it will be regrettable if you only hang about in animated places where people jam for shopping because this place hides many wonders for emotional souls to discover.

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